The older you are, the more beautiful you get.

Refreshing, isn’t it?

Of all the fear-mongering falsehoods the beauty industry has fed us over the years, the one that tells us that wrinkles are to be fought and youth to be worshipped is one of the most noxious. The idea that womxn over 40 become “invisible”? Or that the main value we bring to this world revolves around our looks? Frankly, we’re over this kind of toxic garbage that serves the patriarchal status quo … and if you’re reading this, we suspect you might be too.

We created this company to honour YOU: your wisdom, strength, beauty, and value. So while we are selling eco-socio-conscious skincare products, what we really want to sell you is the knowledge that you are beautiful, no matter your age, and it’s more than okay to look your years and be proud of it. We also believe that beauty is not about how you look or dress or how much you weigh or any other superficial marker, but about your core self — your kindness, your intelligence, your strength, your heart.

It’s more than time to embrace who you are, exactly as you are. This is the message we want to amplify through our brand, and it applies to everyone, regardless of age or any other “demographic” we typically box people into. It doesn’t matter if you are 16 or 60, every single person is unique and has so much to offer the world at every stage of life.

You are beautiful, and you deserve skincare that helps you feel as good as you look, inside and out. We created We Say Oui to empower us to say yes to ourselves and to feel/do/be as awesome as we are, every single day.

 We say NO to:

  • language like: anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, renew, youthful that dominates skincare marketing and is somehow trying to trick you into thinking you have to look younger to have value

  • toxicity of any sort that tries to tear you down and make you feel bad about yourself

  • concepts that don’t feed our brain or soul

  • steamed eggplant because it’s kind of gross when it gets soggy